Sunday, April 20, 2014

In the Hands of God

          It has been a rough road for me and Joey.  We started trying to get pregnant as soon as we were married, which legally was September 23, 2011.  We found out we were pregnant the night before our wedding ceremony in December and miscarried only a couple of days later.  It was an extremely difficult loss for us as we never thought it would happen to us.  The doctor reassured us that it is very common to miscarry a first pregnancy so we continued trying.  A year later we found out we were once again pregnant. Looking back, Joey and I remember saying that we trusted in God no matter what, but I don't think we really did.  We didn't expect to lose another so when that happened at 9 weeks we didn't handle it well behind closed doors.  I think we handled it better than someone without God, but if we had just trusted God throughout everything then we would have given that pain directly to him and been able to move forwards a lot faster.  The second loss really was the most difficult one.  Not only emotionally, but also physically.  But God has a plan.  Those losses have connected me with other women and given me an experience very few can understand.  I'm happy to be able to help others work through their grief of miscarriage.  

          ALL that being said.... WE ARE PREGNANT AGAIN!!  And this time it just feels different.  I'm not scared.  Joey's not scared.  No matter what happens we are trusting in God to lead the way.  Yes, it is very possible we could lose another baby.  But, if that happens then we have the support system we need and the leader of that support system is God.  I haven't gone to a doctor yet, but I'm around 4-5 weeks. VERY early.  We normally would wait to announce, but we figure this time we want our friends and family to walk this road with us every step of the way.  We would appreciate prayer as well!! 

          And, yes... Joey has only been home for a couple of weeks.  I am still measured at about 4-5 weeks though.  I won't go into the details in case guys are reading this, but it is not measured from conception date. Many of you ladies should know this so I won't explain anymore. We have been asked this question a lot surprisingly. haha

          We are extremely excited!  The only thing I have to be nervous about is moving either while pregnant or with a newborn since we have no clue when we will be leaving here.  But, even then I am not all that nervous.  Giving the worry to God and actually enjoying being pregnant right now!


1 comment:

  1. So happy for you!! My prayers are with you and your family! :)
