Sunday, January 12, 2014

Forgotten Memories Resurface

I have been slowly sorting through everything in our storage and house.  I really want to try to get rid of a lot of our stuff.  Me and Joey are quite the pack rats.  Joey likes to find cool little toys and then we keep them forever.   And I have two closets of clothes and shoes.  My goal is to get rid of half of my stuff.  We will be PCSing back to the states in 1 year and I need to clean out our junk if I'm going to find room for awesome Japanese stuff! 

Although I hate getting rid of stuff, I do enjoy the process.  I'm a slow organizer.  Mainly because I find old journals and pictures and just sit thinking about old memories for hours.  The job gets done eventually. haha

My favorite findings have been my journals from the worst times of my life (dating a guy that brought a gun to school.... my rebellious period.... emotionally abusive boyfriends..... losing the closest friends I ever had.....).  These moments were absolutely horrible.  But, they were absolutely necessary.  They were my stepping stones.  And going over these journals I just want to scream at old me to get out of those situations.  But, if those hadn't have happened I would never have grown as a person and realized what I really needed in life was Jesus.  I would have probably just become a "Sunday Christian" and never given it a second thought.  But, because of all the bad that happened to me and how broken I was, I was able to crawl back to my Lord and receive grace.  I also don't think everyone gets broken the same way.  Not everyone has to have a ridiculously horrible experience to find Jesus.  It just depends on the person.  I was a little more stubborn than most people haha. Everyone's testimony is different, but all end the same way.... Grace.

I am SO thankful I kept committed to writing my journals.  Although, I can't find some of them, I am glad for what I was able to keep.  I also wish I would have continued writing daily.  I stopped writing in my journals around my senior year...  Now I realize how special they can be and I plan on starting again.  It's just so cool to be able to go back for a minute and live in those moments again.  I feel like I've gained lost memories and emotions back. It's a very cool feeling.

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